Pintrace - Travel Diary

by Apabitas

Travel & Local


Save your travel memories and visited places map

Pintrace allows you to create you travel diary by adding your journeys (Traces) and visited places (Pins).* You can create record for each trip and add entries to it.* Each entry allows you to add a description, images and location.* In the statistics page you can see how many countries you visited and see visited places on the map.* You can create your data backups and store them on your phone memory.* No Ads.Im still working on these features:* Traces and Pins sharing.I appreciate every feedback! If you have suggestions how to improve the app please write me an email.* Showing Trace location on the map if Trace picture isnt set* Nicer Trace cards* Various bug fixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Not able to add pictures from gallery album.

moy Laifan

Simple to use and doesn't require an online account like most of the travel journey apps I have tried.

A Google user

Simple and best app to save memories in the best way. I would suggest to not add any other planning and reserving hotels like features. Pls do Change the logo of the app it's little dull. In the menu bar add a option in which we can view all the photos on the map.

A Google user

Nice to have when traveling

Inga Pietaryte